Murang’a County gets new laptops to enhance telemedicine services

Murang'a County Secretary, Dr. Newton Mwangi (third from left), receives a donation of laptops from Safaricom Foundation team


The County Government of Murang’a on Thursday received a donation of 59 laptops from the Safaricom Foundation, to boost its efforts on rolling out telemedicine programme. 

The laptops will also enhance efficiency in the health sector by supporting the automation of services across all public health facilities in the County.  The donation comes after the County Administration had procured 50 tablets, to further support the digitization efforts.

The digital gadgets will highly support the County government in the process of piloting telemedicine services, currently being rolled out in 38 public health facilities in Murang’a.  Beginning next month, the Murang’a, will start offering telemedicine services in the selected health facilities.

Last week, local health workers were trained on how to manage and embrace telemedicine services, which is mooted as an advantage in management of non-communicable diseases.  Governor Irungu Kang’ata, during a past event noted the proposed telemedicine services slated to start on September 2nd 2024, is aimed at bringing health care closer to patients.

The County, Kang’ata noted, faces a significant burden of chronic non-communicable diseases and with telemedicine services, patients will be linked to specialists virtually.  The telemedicine programme is targeted to reduce travel costs and time for patients as well as provide convenient access to medications and follow-up care at rural facilities.

 “This programme will enhance patient care by making more doctors available remotely,” said Kang’ata when he launched the programme last Saturday.  The County government has requested those interested in the programme, to start registering in one of the 38 selected health facilities.

The telemedicine services, Kang’ata said, will not be charged more than what patients are being charged on consultation at the county level 5, 4 and 3 hospitals.   “Medication costs will also align with the existing charges at Murang’a Level-5 hospital as this service, essentially decentralizes Level-5 services to level 2, and level 3 facilities,” he further noted.

“The pilot of telemedicine services will run for six months after which the programme’s success will be evaluated. If successful, the service will continue in other facilities across the County,” The Governor assured. The targeted diseases in the programme include diabetes, hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, asthma, heart disease and arthritis.

Kang’ata noted the pilot programme is supported by two entities with donor funding, saying BYON8 Company will manage 35 facilities and HealthX, which will oversee an additional three health facilities in Mathioya Sub-county.  With the support of Safaricom, the County Administration, will exploit already installed internet infrastructure in the local hospitals, to pilot telemedicine.

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