Murang’a liquor committees reduce number of bars 

Murang'a County Police Commander David Kainga said the approved list will be followed by the latter.

Only 1,715 liquor outlets of various categories have been recommended to operate in Murang’a county, reflecting a reduction from those that were licensed in the past years.

Ten years ago, Murang’a licensed more than 3,500 outlets but the number in the past three years have been reduced owing to intense public participation across the sub counties.

This year, the sub counties licensing committee that comprised the county and national government officials inspected 2,556 outlets in the nine sub counties, before settling on 1,715 premises found fit to be licensed.

 Another 841 were ordered to be closed after they were allegedly found to have been involved in various irregularities among them a hideout for criminals, flouting the regulations and selling counterfeit brands. Governor Irungu Kang’ata led administration, in a notice directed the approved outlets to pay for the annual licenses by May 30.

” The approved outlets will receive a message directing them to the payment portal,” read part of the communication.  The County Times established that the committee approved the licensing of 13-night clubs in the nine sub counties.

Murang’a Deputy County Secretary Mr Bernard Wanyoike said the approved outlets have received communication on how to effect payment by May 30.  The traders whose applications were rejected, he said, have been advised to lodge an appeal within seven days upon payment of Sh5,000 appellate fee.

“No appeal will be considered without payment of the fee,” said Wanyoike. At the same time,  Murang’a County Police Commander David Kainga said the approved list will be followed by the latter.

” Those who will be caught flouting the regulations will be dealt with as the law provides,” said Mr Kainga.

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