Murang’a Secondary School heads retain their chairperson.    

Esther Wambugu speaking to the press at Technology primary school in Murang'a. Photo by Anita Omwenga

Head Teachers election

Murang’a secondary school principals have retained Esther Wambugu as their chairperson to head their branch of Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (Kessha).

Wambugu won the election, in the hotly contested position after she garnered 145 votes against Humprey Kariuki who garnered 143 votes. Wambugu in her acceptance speech at Technology Primary school, in Murang’a on Tuesday said that she will improve the management of the association and unite the heads of the various schools.

“As the current chairperson, I am familiar with the association’s dynamics and I promise to better its management,” she said adding that elections of the association were competitive and united the heads together.

Wambugu, who is the Principal of Mumbi Girls secondary School said the association is fighting to ensure that the government’s policies towards education are favourable.

On his part, Kariuki conceded defeat and congratulated Wambugu saying he will work with her to make the association strong. “We did our best, but the school heads have elected their preferred leaders,” said Kariuki, principal of Githumu Boys Secondary School.

Kessha acting national chairman Willy Kuria who was an observer said the elections were free and fair, and pleaded with the principals to rally behind him as he will be running for the national post.

“Murang’a teachers have demonstrated honesty in their branch elections, and we are appealing to all the heads from the Mt Kenya region to attend the national heads conference and back their own,” said Kuria.

Kuria, the principal at Murang’a High School thanked the head teachers for their commitment in carrying out a peaceful election.  In the election, Kamau Thuku from Vidhu Ramji Secondary School was elected the vice chairman after he garnered 143 votes.

Others who were elected include, Secretary, Hannah Wanjiru, organizer Patrick Irungu, Vice treasurer Caroline kioi, Treasurer Joshua Githinji and Assistant secretary Eunice Wamaru

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