Narok Governor Unveils 34 Motorcycles and 2 Vehicles to Enhance Service Delivery

Some of the motorcycles meant for distribution to ward administrators being parked outside the Narok governor's offices.


Narok County Governor Patrick Ntutu has launched a fleet of 34 motorcycles and 2 vehicles aimed at boosting service delivery across the county. Speaking at the flag-off ceremony at the county headquarters, Ntutu emphasized the crucial role of ward administrators in his administration.

He noted that they are key to coordinating county policies and projects at the ward level, serving as vital links between local communities and the county government. “These administrators are the bridge between the county government and the local communities, serving our people every day,” the governor emphasized.

The county government has invested Sh.14 Million in acquiring these motorcycles and vehicles, which will enable administrators to reach every corner of their wards, particularly areas that are difficult for vehicles to access. Ntutu also noted that the administrators have undergone specialized training to ensure they can effectively and safely use the motorcycles.

“These motorcycles will be crucial for monitoring ongoing projects and keeping the administration updated on contractors’ progress,” Ntutu explained. He issued a firm reminder to the ward administrators to use the motorcycles solely for official duties and not for personal business ventures.

In this season of bursary distribution for school-going children, the motorcycles will also allow administrators to reach grassroots communities more effectively, ensuring they identify the students in need.

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