National Government to assist in restoring roads in Kiambu

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen with Kiambu MPs at his office.


Members of Parliament (MPs) from Kiambu have met with the Roads and Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen to discuss strategies on the development of the County roads.

In a meeting chaired by Murkomen in his office and also attended by various departmental heads, the team discussed the current state of roads in Kiambu County given the heavy rainfall that has been witnessed in the recent past.

The CS regretted that the heavy rains had severely disrupted road transportation and made access to trading centres difficult.

“The effects of the rainfall in Kiambu and beyond have been devastating, breaking down socio-economic connections among counties but we are trying our best to restore normalcy,” he noted.

The CS called for a closer working relationship between the National and County Governments to ensure all budgetary allocations were put to good use.

 “My Ministry is fully committed to restoring all roads to good condition nationwide. We will also work closely with Parliament to ensure that budget allocations for road development are increased in the next financial year to cover the cost of restoring damaged roads,” he said.

Kiambu Senator Karungo wa Thang’wa with local MPs discussing damaged roads in their area.

Kiambu Senator Karungo wa Thang’wa who was also present agreed to support the allocation of Sh100 billion to the roads department to complete all Mau Mau roads and pending road projects in Kiambu.

“Each MP has provided a list of the roads that need rehabilitation in their respective constituencies and soon thedepartment will publish the list of all roads to be budgeted for in the upcoming budget, in due course,” Karungo said.

The condition of roads in the County has been worsened by the heavy rainfall in the region and this has posed challenges to road users and residents of Kiambu have been calling on the government to give solution to avoid adverse economic effects brought about by the poor infrastructure.

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