National Government to support Busia County to map out tourism sites

The Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Dr Alfred Mutua addressing the press outside Busia governor's office on Thursday


The government through the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife has embarked on a plan to map out tourism sites in Busia County.

Speaking to the press at the governor’s office premises on Thursday, Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Dr Alfred Mutua said that the County had great potentials of attracting tourists that have not been tapped for economic development.

‘Many people pass by this border County, and we need to chart a way forward on how to tap these potentials for the benefit of the locals,’ he said.

Dr Mutua cited areas like Kakapel national monument, Samia hills,Kavirondo Series rocks, Namenya hills, Butula cultural centre and hall of fame, ‘We must have a good transport network, favourable environment and hospitality services that can be enjoyed by the potential tourists,” he said.

He added that the National government will work closely with the County government to improve the roads and other necessary infrastructure. ‘We will need to establish an airport so that tourists from different parts of the world can easily access this county,” he said, adding that investors should also be invited to establish hotels in the county.

The CS further said there was a need to establish a trailer park so that long distance truck drivers can park their vehicles as they relax in hotels while awaiting clearance at the One Stop Border Post. Dr.Mutua further noted that the County had a rich culture whose events need to be supported by the National government.

“We have agreed that the national government will support events like boat racing as a sports-tourism activity,’ he said, adding that other activities like wrestling and sailing will also be supported.

The CS at the same time encouraged investors to invest in crew ships that allow tourists to tour the entire region of East Africa through Lake Victoria.’We will also establish landing sites and have tourism circuits to guide the movement of tourists,’ he said.

Dr Mutua further stated that the National government is ready to establish a hospitality training college in Western region for local and overseas jobs. Busia governor Paul Otuoma said that the County government will come up with enabling legislation where required to allow for investment in the tourism circuit.

Otuoma stated that the County leadership has revived the Department of tourism and posted personnel to ensure that tourism is accorded the required attention.

“We are looking forward to collaboration between the County and National government to synergize and fill in the gaps in terms of human and financial resources,” he said.

The forum brought together Busia County Executive Committee members, Busia Senator, area members of parliament, Members of the County Assembly and the business community to give views on the potential tourism sites across the County.

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