Intern Junior Secondary School teachers in Kitale Town yesterday held a peaceful demonstration in the town almost crippling normal activities, accusing the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of failing to confirm them to permanent terms.
Carrying placards as they sang anti TSC songs, the demonstrators vowed not to resume duty when schools open for term two next week, until they are confirmed by the employer and offered better terms.
Speaking to KNA after leading the demo which ended at the County TSC offices, Trans Nzoia County Junior Secondary School Association Executive Secretary Walter Wanjala demanded the abolishment of internship program for fully trained and registered teachers terming it as unconstitutional and barbaric.

Trans Nzoia County Junior Secondary School Association Secretary General
Walter Wanjala addressing the press at the county headquarters.
Wanjala asked the TSC to follow due procedure and respect the law by confirming all teachers on internships and also compensate them.
Also present was the County Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) chairman Eliud Wafula who was accompanied by the branch Executive Secretary Immaculate Serem.
Wafula regretted the disobedience of the teachers’ employer to a court order, saying that TSC has no valid reason why it should not confirm all teachers who are on internship and settle their compensation package.
Noting that Sh17,000 is too little to enable one lead a decent life during these hard economic times, Wafula said that comparing the stipend doctors on internship get, that of teachers on internship is like an abuse.
Meanwhile, the striking teachers urged the country’s political leadership to support them in their quest for better terms of service.