No money lost at county as allegedly auditor general

Marsabit County first lady Alimitu Guyo Jattani speaks at the Marsabit Catholic Hall after presiding over a harambee in aid of a bright university student where she called on local political leaders to unite for enhanced development.


Marsabit county residents are not affected by the on-going medical personnel strike because the welfare of the local medics has been catered for through prudent use of resources allocated to the county.

This is according to County first lady Alimitu Guyo Jattani who also pressed on the need for local communities to accord their children the opportunity to acquire education in order to prepare them for a bright future.

Ms Jattani defended the County administration over allegations of financial impropriety amounting to Sh8.2 billion being the allocation for the 2020/2021 financial year saying the audit was not properly conducted.

She said services to the residents and employees of the county that included health, water, agriculture, salaries and education have always been rendered without interruption because there was good use of finances allocated from the National Treasury.

She was speaking at the Marsabit Catholic Hall when she presided over a funds drive in aid of a medical student at the University of Nairobi where Sh2.78 million was raised.

Jattani pointed out that the provision of health services was going on across the county as expected because of the good leadership of Governor Mohamud Ali who has ensured that expenditure of public funds was in line with the Public Finance Management Act.

“I am assuring Marsabit county residents that our resources were and will continue to be used prudently so that we can speed up development and transform lives,” she said adding that good audit if conducted would vindicate the county government of any wrongdoing.

Jattani underscored the importance of peace and urged local communities to continue coexisting multi-ethnic composition notwithstanding.

She reached out to the local elected leaders to put aside their political affiliations and differences for the sake of development and the welfare of mwananchi.

On education, the county first lady said every child has a right to access education despite their social background as it was the catalyst for progress at individual and society level.

Jattani said many students from poor backgrounds were being accorded support to pursue higher education through the county scholarship programme.

The county first lady gave Sh510,000 which included Sh210,000 from Governor Ali, Saku MP Dido Raso sent Sh100,000, Mrs Shano Ganya gave Sh100,000 while former treasury CS Ukur Yattani sent a donation of Sh30,000.

The student, a beneficiary of the county scholarship programme, is a first-year student at the University of Nairobi where he is pursuing a degree in medicine and surgery.

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