NSSF to fast-track payment of pending claims

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) CEO David Koross during the launch of the Financial report at Sarova Panafric Hotel on Tuesday 15, 2023

The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has extended an invite to anyone who has any pending claims to come forward to enable them process their claims promptly.

NSSF CEO David Koross said that benefits payment should be paid within 24 hours and they are going to do all that is needed including going digital and using a mobile app that will see benefits paid within a day of launching of the claim.

Koross speaking on Tuesday during a meeting with the Kenya Editors Guild (KEG) said that they have identified some of the priorities and rules that will enable them run the NSSF company fairly by ensuring that they process claims in a timely manner.

Koross added that they are focusing on benefit payment and they have cleared all the pending bill cases and this demonstrates their commitments to enable the contributors access their funds on time.

“As NSSF, we plan to recruit new members in our short -term strategy, we are working on the modalities and once we have it finalized we will roll it out,” said Koross.

He added that they are aiming at developing a customer centric performance- based culture to ensure that they have a focus thus moving their employees’ satisfaction to a level of 95 percent.

“We want to take our services to the grassroots to the people who are not registered as members of NSSF. This will be facilitated by digitization which will ensure that all our records exist in digital platforms,” said the CEO.

He explained that his vision is to grow and double the fund from the current Sh300 billion to a target of Sh600 billion in three years.

He added that they intend to collaborate with the media to ensure that the public has the information on the benefits of early enrolment into the NSSF.

“We have come up with a pay bill number (*303#) that will help in transactions and other NSSF services,” said Koross.

“We have identified a number of priorities areas where we have embarked on a transformation agenda and implementation of the new NSSF Act that has enhanced contribution from members as this has also split the contribution into Tier 1 and Tier 2, where Tier 1 goes to NSSF and Tier 2 to be opted out to a scheme of one’s choice,” voiced Koross

NSSF Financial Manager Marietta Mutinda gave a presentation of the Annual performance 2022/2023 where she outlined some compounds such as fund volume growth, contribution trends, benefits paid distribution, and payment and Investment income.

She revealed that the sudden increase from the 2022/2023 financial year was due to the new rates that took effect from March leading to a contribution increase.

Mutinda further said that the 40 percent biometric delayed claims were due to the backlog in issues of fingerprints but then the issues were cleared.

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