NTSA Intensifies Road Safety Awareness Activities

NTSA Director General George Njao addressing media at Kamiigua polytechnic during a medical and training camp.


The National Transport Safety Authority (NTSA) has enhanced road safety awareness activities in central region to mitigate surge in road accidents.

During a medical and training event held at Kamiigua Polytechnic in Kirinyaga County, NTSA Director General George Njao, said they are testing PSVs drivers, drivers of School Buses as well as bodaboda riders and provide necessary tools to ensure safety on the road.

“We’re testing drivers and any person who wants to walk in for free. We are basically focusing on drivers of school buses, drivers of PSVs and the bodaboda riders, providing them with education, and necessary tools,” Njao said.

Njao lauded the partnership with institutions such as Leon Hospital which provided free medication and spectacles. Drivers suffering eye problems also got treated.

Other stakeholders present include AA Kenya that provided refresher training to the drivers at the venue while St. John’s Ambulance provided motorists with first aid essentials in the event of an accident.

Njao regretted over speeding by miraa and muguka vehicles saying it was a major concern raised by road users and affirmed they are engaging the companies involved to address the challenge.

NTSA chairperson Manoj Shah said the medical and road safety awareness camp that NTSA have been holding for the last two months have shown amazing results noting that many drivers on road suffer from various eye problems.

“Some have cataracts and need eyeglasses to correct their vision. Many of them have hypertension, and some of them have high blood sugar,” he said.

Amos Warui, Director NACADA Central Region, encouraged drivers to stop using drug and alcoholic substances when they are on the road and at the same time urged vehicles owners to curb drunk driving.

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