Nurses in Machakos call off planned strike after reaching an agreement with the Governor

Caption KNUN Secretary Michael Saka as he announces the cancellation of their planned protests after reaching an agreement with Machakos Governor Wavinyas Ndeti on his right with other senior County Health officials


The Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN) in Machakos County have withdrawn their 21-day strike notice after coming to an agreement with Governor Wavinya Ndeti on Wednesday.

The Union had issued a strike notice on 3rd of July over delayed promotions and poor working conditions and were to down their tools on 24th July if their grievances were not addressed. KNUN Machakos Branch Secretary Michael Saka during a joint briefing with the Governor at her office said that they have come to an agreement with their employer concerning their grievances and have decided to down their tools.

“As KNUN Machakos branch we hereby call of the intended strike that was scheduled to start today and call upon our members not to proceed with the strike but continue working as usual,” said Saka. Saka added that there are 700 nurses who have stagnated in the same job group for years without promotion and the Governor has committed for financial implications for the nurses to be provided to her in the next one week.

“We have had a good meeting with our employer who has agreed that supplies will be quarterly and also to commit Facility Improvement Fund (FIF), into the supplies so that our patients can be attended to the right way,” noted Saka On her part the Governor said they plan to pay outstanding arrears of 422 health workers that were promoted last year and also assured the union that the county government will employ a total of 240 nurses by end of September 2024.

“We conducted interviews a month ago and as a result we will release appointment letters for 57 nurses who were interviewed and selected and are expected to report on duty by Monday 29th July,” added the Governor. Wavinya further disclosed that there will be an advertisement for vacancies published in the County government website for 326 health workers who are to replace those who has exited from service.

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