Nyanza region to showcase business opportunities at inaugural investment conference

Nyanza Professionals Chairman Japh Olende (left) and Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) National Director Ken Onditi sign a memorandum of understanding on hosting the inaugural Nyanza International Investment Conference in Kisumu. Looking on is ICT and Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo (second from left) and other members of the Nyanza Professionals caucus.Photo by Chris Mahandara/KNA.


Preparations for the inaugural Nyanza International Investment Conference are in top gear with the organizers confident of securing pacts to unlock the region’s potential. The conference slated for June 28-29 targets to showcase investment opportunities in the six counties of Kisumu, Siaya, Homa Bay, Migori, Kisii and Nyamira with a view to attracting investors from around the world.

Organized by the Nyanza Professionals, the conference aims at securing public private partnerships (PPPs) between investors and the County governments in the region to spur economic growth in the area.

Information Communication and the Digital Economy Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo said the conference to be held in Kisumu has full backing of the government with President Dr. William Ruto scheduled to officially open and make a key note address.

Cabinet Secretaries (CSs) and Principal Secretaries (PSs) from the various dockets where opportunities for investments have been identified, he said will also participate in the conference. Speaking in Kisumu during a breakfast meeting for the event, Owalo lauded the Nyanza professionals for coming up with the initiative, saying it will go a long way in fastracking development in the area.

“Development is all inclusive. It is not a prerogative of the national or county government. You have so many contacts out there which you need to leverage to support development of this region,” he said. The government, he said, will continue to create an enabling environment for the business community and investors to tap in the region’s huge potential.

He pointed out the blue economy which he said has a lot of potential with the government already constructing a Sh3 billion aquaculture centre in Kisumu besides modernizing fish landing sites along the lake to support the fisher folk. The Kenya Kwanza administration, he said was focused on the completion of all stalled road projects in the area to create a conducive environment for business to thrive.

Nyanza Professionals Caucus Chairman Japh Olende said the team has developed a catalogue profiling top investment opportunities and projects for each of the six counties. The projects, he said cut across all the sectors including, health, agriculture, tourism, mining, blue economy, water and irrigation, infrastructure and information communication technology (ICT).

Olende who signed a memorandum of understanding with the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI) on hosting the event urged local investors and the business community to register for the two- day conference in numbers to make it a success.

He said besides the panel discussions, there will also be exhibitions to showcase various projects and innovations. KNCCI National Director Ken Onditi said the Chamber will rally its members to attend the conference and actively engage in the discourse.

The conference, he said will be an opportunity for the business community to network and take up opportunities targeting a wider market. “We have had two investment conferences one in Kisumu and another in Kakamega. However, this one is unique because it captures a wider market with four counties,” he said.

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