Moi Nyatike Boys High School, Migori county has seen a population drop over the years due to lack of management stability within the institution, it has been claimed.
The school which started in the late 80s had a student population of about 400 in 2007 that has since dropped to 55 students currently. According to the School’s Acting Principal John Akech frequent changes of principals is to blame for decline in students’ enrolment.
“When this particular school starts to perform well academically, the principal is transferred absurdly causing instability at the the institution,” he claimed. Akech said that parents have lost hope in the Ministry of Education and the Teacher’s Service Commission (TSC) which he alleged continues to transfer principals without giving them time to settle.
The school has 11 teachers, out of which seven are employed by TSC. It has had more than six principals since 2007.
Moi Nyatike Boys High School Acting Principal John Akech. According to him lack of management stability has continued to ail the school.
Akech lamented that no principal is willing to be posted to the school because of lots of debts and alleged lack of moral support from the political class and the TSC.
He called on TSC to be giving principals in the school ample time to transform the institution. Area residents led by Samuel Misori also called upon the Ministry of Education to move with speed and create management stability to return the school to former status.
Last year, the school was position three in the Nyatike North Sub County, with a mean score of 4.3 from 47 candidates. This year, the candidates’ population has dropped drastically to 19 candidates.