Outgoing DCC ask residents to embrace peace

Outgoing Narok South Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Felix Kisalu, in Maasai Shuka(L) and incoming DCC George Omolo, in Maasai shuka (R), cut a cake that during the handing over/taking over ceremony at the Sub County Headquarters.


Outgoing Narok South Deputy County Commissioner Felix Kisalu has called on the Kipsigis and Maasai Communities living in the county to continue embracing a spirit of brotherhood to spur more development in the region.

The DCC who spoke during a handing over/taking over cerebration that was glanced by various head of departments, community leaders and business community, said he had managed to unite the two communities that were sharply divided at the time he took office in 2019.

He lauded the communities for embracing unity and supporting him while he worked as their DCC saying together they have achieved a lot. Another key achievement, he said, is protecting the Maasai Mau forest from further destruction after over 3000 families were evicted from the forest land in 2018 and 2019.

“We have erected an electric fence around the forest and planted millions of trees in the forest land to reclaim the mega water catchment land,” said Kisalu. The outspoken DCC is also praised for overseeing land demarcation in Loita area where both women and men were allocated land on equal measure.

“This is the first time in the history of the Maa community that both women and men are given land in equal measure. The initiative was to empower women who have been underrated for a long time,” he said. Kisalu is moving to Sogowet-Soin Sub County in Kericho county and George Omolo, formally DCC Mbeere South Sub County in Embu County is taking over as the new DCC of Narok South Sub County.

Kisalu called on the residents to accord the new DCC the support they gave him so that he can deliver meaningful service in the area. DCC Omolo promised to work with the people so as to deliver government agenda and boost the standards of livelihood in the area.

“I am your servant, I want us to work together to promote peace and development in this area,” said the incoming DCC.

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