Over 2000 Bomet Residents Attend Free Medical Camp, Tegat, Bomet East 

Bomet County Executive Committee Member for Health Dr Sitonik attends to one of the over 2000 people who turned up for free medical attention at Tegat Sub County hospital, Bomet East, Saturday.


Over 2000 people with various health issues benefitted from free medical attention in Tegat Sub County hospital, Bomet East, Saturday. The free medical camp organised by the Bomet County Government saw successful diagnosis of patients suffering from minor ailments as well as those of terminal diseases including various forms of cancer, diabetes and heart diseases among others.

Bomet Health Executive Dr kipruto Sitonik said the doctors on call made referrals to various hospitals including Longisa County Referral hospital where the patients would receive free medical attention.

He said the medics were also to make follow ups on patients who may need management. He revealed that the there were many health issues among the people that remained undiagnosed saying free medical camps would be held every three months so as to widen coverage as well as enhance health at the grassroots level.

Among the organisers were Nitibu Network, Equity Afya, Tenwek Mission Hospital, Africa Inland Church Litein and the Red cross among others.

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