Over 800, 000 treated nets to be distributed in Narok

Health stakeholders meeting to chart way forward on Mosquito net distribution at a Narok hotel


The Ministry of Health through the National Malaria Control Programme is set to distribute 816, 191 long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) as a measure to fight Malaria in Narok County.

Principal Medical Entomologist Edith Ramaita, who is the lead person in the net distribution in Narok County said the programme targets all families where two people will be given one free net to share.

The treated net, she said, can last for three years if well maintained, and is capable of reducing the spread of Malaria in the country. “The last time the nets were given is three years ago, by now we anticipate that the insecticide used to treat them is dissolved and that is why the Ministry is keen on giving other new nets this year,” said the Entomologist.

The nets will be transported by Kenya Medical Supply Association (KeMSA) to 77 drop off points where they will be distributed to 276, 111 households within the county.

All the beneficiaries will be forced to register in a digital platform to aid the distribution of the nets. This means that every household will be required to have a phone where they will receive updates of the status of their nets.

However, the households without a phone were advised to use the phone of their closest friends or relatives to register. “The digital platform will promote transparency and accountability as there will be feedback from those who receive the nets,” she said.

Narok County Director of Health Dr Francis Kiio noted that Narok county is one of the 22 counties in the country where the programme is ongoing and aims at achieving over 90 per cent net distribution.

Nevertheless, the director raised concern with the manner in which the residents utilise their nets saying some residents use the nets to make their kitchen gardens, poultry houses, fishing gear among others.

He called on residents to use the net properly so that the target of fighting malaria will be achieved as the county is moving towards preventing other than curing diseases.

“Malaria is among the diseases that cause death in our county, especially in pregnant women and children below five years old. This is why the government is spending a lot of money to give free nets to every resident to break the spread of Malaria,” he said.

Narok Chief Officer in charge of Medical Services Ms Mary Kashu said most diseases treated in hospitals within the county are preventable hence called on residents to utilise the nets well to control Malaria. The disease is mostly prevalent in Lolgorian, Angata Barikoi and Emurrua Dikirr areas.

They were speaking during a stakeholders meeting held in a Narok hotel.

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