Plans underway for the commemoration of the international Day of Peace

Traditional dancers during a past Lokiriama peace accord commemorations

Peace accord

The County Government of Turkana and her international neighbours will commemorate this year’s International Day of Peace on September 21st at Lokirima. The 2024 Theme for the International Day of Peace is Cultivating a Culture of Peace.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. In Turkana County, the celebrations will also coincide with the Lokiriama peace accord commemorations.

In past years, the County has used the event to honour the historic 1973 Turkana-Karamoja Peace accord. This landmark agreement, signed between the Turkana of Kenya and the Matheniko of Uganda along the Lokiriama cross-border corridor, marked an end to years of hostilities as both communities symbolically buried their weapons, committing to peaceful coexistence.

The Deputy County Secretary in charge of Cabinet Affairs, Dr Albert Gamoe on Thursday led a team for site inspection to ensure all logistics are in place for the occasion. Dr Gamoe outlined that this year’s celebrations will feature a peace-themed football tournament with eight teams, a night vigil at the monument, a cross-border peace dialogue, traditional dances, artistic performances, and speeches from leaders.

“Our goal is to foster an environment where local communities can strengthen peacebuilding efforts through meaningful dialogue and networking, while receiving messages on the importance of maintaining peaceful coexistence,” Dr Gamoe said.

With Turkana County also gearing up for its 8th annual Tourism and Cultural Festival, Tobong’ulore, Dr Gamoe added that the International Day of Peace celebrations will act as a leading up to the larger event. “We expect our Ateker communities from Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Pokots to join us for the celebrations on the 21st, after which we will proceed to Lodwar for the grand Tobong’ulore festival,” he concluded.

The DCS was accompanied by Phoebe Kaaman (County Advisor for Culture and heritage), Sammy Karoi (Director of Administration Tourism), Lemmy Ejorewoia (Culture), Thomas Kipseba (Senior Tourism officer) and Emanman Davi (Public Works – Architect).

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