President Ruto’s bag of goodies for Tharaka Nithi during his tour

President William Ruto commissions the Marimanti KMTC in Tharaka-Nithi County during his tour of the county on Thursday, July 25, 2024.


President William Ruto on Thursday July 25 toured Tharaka Nithi County, delivering projects and programmes in the water, energy, health, roads and infrastructure sectors set to boost the county’s economic development status.

Key on his agenda included the launching of Marimanti Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) and the Natasha Maken a Memorial Outpatient Block at Kibugua Health Centre, which he listed as part of the government’s Universal Health Coverage (UHC) programme.

“We want to make health not only available for those who can afford it but universally available for every citizen in Kenya. That is why we have changed laws and implemented a broader and bigger plan in matters of health through UHC,” he said.

The President pledged Sh30 million towards equipping KMTC Marimanti, and an additional Sh150 million towards the construction of a hostel in the institution. He also committed an additional Sh250 million towards the completion of the Outpatient Block at Kibugua Health Centre which is 40% complete.

The President commissioned the Kibung’a Kakimiki Water Project in Marimanti, to improve water connectivity in Tharaka Constituency. The project which consumed Sh100 million in its first phase will now benefit from a Sh180 million for Phase 2 and an additional Sh220 million boost later on to expand and improve its connectivity which spans over 8 towns in the constituency.

He also oversaw the handing over of the Kirumi Kia Mujari water project worth Sh90 million to a new contractor. In the energy sector, President Ruto commissioned the Last Mile Connectivity programme in the county worth Sh500 million, which will see 8000 new connections.

“We have 8 contractors to ensure rural electrification so that every household and resident in the county is connected to electricity in our last mile connectivity programme. We want to connect as many people as possible in Tharaka Nithi County,” Ruto said.

In Infrastructure and Housing projects, President Ruto announced the government’s plan to build 5 new modern markets in the county, with Sh450 million already allocated for the construction that will see modern structures built in major towns including Chuka and Chogoria which have been allocated Sh350 million and Sh170 million respectively.

The President also disclosed the relocation of Kathwana Prison from its current location in the town to Kabariange, to pave the way for the construction of Public Service Housing Units to accommodate government and public service employees working at the county headquarters.

To address the issue on stalled county government offices at Kathwana, President Ruto announced a partnership between his administration and the County Government of Tharaka Nithi that will see the national government commit Sh100 million to the construction and Sh150 million from the County Government to go towards completion of the project.

President Ruto in addition launched newly constructed Huduma Centres at Kathwana, Marimanti and Maara to bring government services closer to the people and announced completion of major roads such as Chuka-Kaareni, Keria-Magutuni, and Weru-Mutindwa.

“For the actualization of projects, we must unite as a country and work together. A government that unites all Kenyans for developments is our main agenda. There is no need for violence, chaos and deaths in this country, let us unite towards the prosperity of the nation and protect this nation,” the President said.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Nominee and Former Tharaka Nithi Senator Prof. Kithure Kindiki in his address thanked the President for stabilizing and restoring the country’s economy and lowering the cost of living and urged him to honour his pledges to Tharaka Nithi County.

“Even as we remind the President to scale up developments in the county, we are hoping in the remaining part of this term you will actualize and deliver on the promises made to the people of Tharaka Nithi. We have an opportunity in this country to progress now that we have a united government,” Kindiki said.

Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki reminded the President of his commitment towards the re-engineering of the killer Nithi bridge, thanked him for his visit and pledged support for the government to deliver its agenda to the people.

“Thank you for visiting Tharaka Nithi, which has maintained peace even as we witnessed trouble in other parts of the country. We are happy that you have now started delivering on promises made to the people and we believe, through Parliament, funds can be made accessible to facilitate the re-engineering of the Nithi bridge as promised,” Njuki said.

Maara Constituency Member of Parliament Kareke Mbiuki called on the President to see to the construction and completion of Kajogu and Thambo dams in the county, and thanked him for supporting the commissioned projects. He emphasized on the need to have stalled projects such as the Keria-Magutuni-Makutano road completed.

Other leaders present included Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Senator Mwenda Gataya, Woman Representative Susan Ngugi, Tharaka MP George Murugara, Former Chuka University Vice Chancellor Prof. Erastus Njoka, NCPB Chairman Samwel Ragwa among others.

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