RCGW inculcate culture of tree planting in young learners

Photo young learners during tree planting exercise in school compound


Regional Centre on Groundwater (RCGW) Resources Education, Training and Research plans to inculcate young learners on tree planting culture in schools in order to conserve the environment and protect the groundwater resources.

While speaking during the tree planting exercise at Limanet Comprehensive School and Kimelok Secondary school, Samwel Kamau, the Assistant director training and capacity building in the RCGW resources said the focus of the agency is to engage the public on the importance of environment conservation and the protection of ground water resources.

Kamau added that the agency also focuses on the young learners in schools to conserve the environment through a culture of tree planting to be able to have sustainable environment resources underground.

Kamau said the agency undertakes research and mapping, engage capacity building and creates awareness on groundwater resources in the country.

The Assistant County Commissioner from the office of the county commissioner, Carol Odhiambo said the RCGW have come to sensitize the community on the importance of conserving the environment and groundwater resources.

 Adhiambo said engaging young learners in the culture of tree planting and on the need of conserving the environment will help the government to achieve the forest cover of 15 billion trees by 2032.

She also urged the schoolteachers and learners to take care of the trees and nature to survive for future generations.

The head teacher, Limanet comprehensive school, Joseph Ikayo, said they have planted over 600 tree seedlings within the school.

Ikayo said educating young learners at an early age on the importance of conserving the environment is important even in the education sector.

David Naeni, the school chairman, Limanet comprehensive school said they have witnessed the changes brought in by climate variability within the area.

Naeni said the school management will continue managing tree seedlings planted by the young learners, adding trees play a vital role in preventing classes from being blown off by strong winds.

RCGW Resources Education, Training and Research also donates water tanks to school, and offer young going schoolgirls with sanitary towels for the clean hygiene.

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