Residents urged to learn sign language 

Busia County Director for Disability Services Metrine Wamalwa addressing the press during the deaf awareness day at Mundika Special School for the Deaf on Friday September 28, 2024.


Residents of Busia County have been urged to learn sign language for ease of communication with the deaf. 

Speaking during the celebrations to mark the deaf awareness day at Mundika Special School in Busia Sub County on Friday, the County Director for Disability Services Metrine Wamalwa said the deaf in the community faced communication barriers hence miss out where there are job opportunities.

“The deaf have several challenges in the community because some of the local residents do not consider being deaf as a form of disability,” she said, adding that they were seen to be physically normal.

Wamalwa added that the communication barrier made the deaf suffer from discrimination in available job opportunities.   She pointed out that a section of children with severe disabilities suffered defilement but cannot express themselves. “Young men with disabilities have also been denied their rights to inherit ancestral property due to their conditions,” she explained.

The official urged the County government to support persons with disability adding that the National Government and the Civil Society have played a great role in supporting PWDs. “I want to urge the county governments to step up and work closely with the national government and NGOs to support persons with disabilities. Much work has been left to the national government which should not be the case,” she said.

The Head teacher of Mundika Special School Ruth Nyange urged the county governments to employ sign language  interpreters in Vocational Training Centres so that deaf children could be enrolled and acquire the knowledge.

 “The nearest vocational training for the deaf children is in Homabay county and many of our children when they finish form four get challenges in pursuing further learning due to the long distance,” she said.

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