Learners at Emurrua Dikirr constituency have benefited from Sh41 million bursary thanks to the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) that is sponsoring the vulnerable children. The area Member of Parliament Johannah Ngeno said the bursary targets needy children in secondary, colleges and universities, saying no child will remain at home because of lack of school fees.
Ngeno said when he entered office in 2013, there were few schools in the constituency and the children were not benefiting from the bursary which led to poor performance in the National examination. “In 2013, only nine students qualified to join the university. However, since we started building schools and issuing bursaries, the number of children from this constituency that are joining university are very many,” he said.
He said the bursary gives the vulnerable and needy children a chance to get education and become professions in their future life. The function was attended by Governor Patrick Ntutu, Narok County MP Rebecca Tonkei, Narok North MP Agnes Pareyio, Kilgoris MP Julius Sunkuli and Narok South MP Kitalai Ntutu.
Governor Ntutu recalled that the county government gave Sh. 400 million this year to the needy children in the county that has enabled many children from poor background to get education. In Emurrua Dikirr constituency, the governor said he gave a total of Sh. 45 million as bursary this year to boost education in the area.