Sh68 million set to compensate floods victims in Kuja Irrigation Scheme

The Principal Secretary for Irrigation Ephantus Kimotho (L) and Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko (R).


At least 1,400 displaced persons in the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme in Nyatike Sub County-Migori are set to benefit from 68 Million Compensation kitty for victims of recent floods. 

According to The Principal Secretary for Irrigation Ephantus Kimotho, the National Irrigation Authority (NIA) has received the cash for compensation in readiness for allocation once the verification process is completed.  Speaking after a courtesy call to Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko, Kimotho disclosed that after a thorough evaluation, the compensation fee was pushed from Sh 28 million to 68 million which is set to benefit the 1,400 affected persons. 

Kimotho also said that the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme once fully operational will address land deficiency in the county. The scheme has a capacity of 19,000 hectares. Only 7,000 hectares are under production; with 2,000 hectares under rice production and 5,000 others under sugarcane. 

Kimotho noted that the government has committed to increase funding for areas under irrigation in the Lower Kuja Scheme to a tune of Sh1.4 billion to address land deficiency. He said President William Ruto had promised that under the supplementary budget, the National Irrigation Authority (NIA) would get an additional Sh300 million. During the 2025/20226 financial year, the scheme will be allocated the remaining Sh1.1 Billion. 

Farmers planting rice in Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme in Nyatike Sub County-Migori County. The rice scheme is in line with Vision 2030.

The PS also affirmed that the government will continue to boost rice production to reduce the 700,000 metric tonnes deficit.  He said that the scheme can help the country put up an additional 80,000 metric tonnes to push the country to 300,000 metric tonnes per year if the 12,000 Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme unutilised vast land is put into production. 

Migori Governor Dr. Ochillo Ayacko said that the scheme which is supported by the National Government and international partners, is set to revitalize rice production and bring significant economic growth to the region.  He acknowledged that the Sh68 million set for compensations of persons displaced by the scheme was good news for the farmers, adding that it showed that the national government was committed to delivering on its promises. 

He pointed out that the scheme has the potential to drastically boost rice production, reducing Kenya’s dependence on rice imports and positioning the county as a key contributor to national food security.  The governor further highlighted the importance of partnerships, particularly with the Japanese Government, which has provided both technical and financial assistance through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). 

Apart from boosting agricultural production, the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme is also expected to mitigate the perennial flooding that continues to plague Nyatike region.  The project will also channel excess water into irrigation systems, reducing the risk of flood damage while ensuring a steady water supply for both domestic and agricultural purposes within the Sub County.

The Principal Secretary for Irrigation Ephantus Kimotho, Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko and representatives from the National Irrigation Authority (NIA), the Japanese Government, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) pose for a photo at Governor Ochilo office in Migori. Photos by Geoffrey Makokha.

 Governor Ayacko also reassured local farmers that efforts are underway to secure markets for the rice they produce. He affirmed that the National Government is working with the Kenya National Trading Corporation to guarantee fair prices and prevent exploitation by middlemen. 

“As Migori County takes bold steps toward agricultural transformation, the Lower Kuja Irrigation Scheme stands as a beacon of hope, promising not only increased food production but also a better quality of life for the region’s residents. With the funds for compensation already in place, the project is on track to deliver tangible results for the people of Nyatike and beyond,” acknowledged Ochilo. 

In attendance were also representatives from the Japanese Government, and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).


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