Sports Cabinet Secretary inspects Kirigiti stadium

Sports CS Kipchumba Murkomen together with Deputy DCC Kiambu Titus Macharia when he inspected the Kirigiti stadium progress.


Sports Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has expressed optimism that the state of the art Kirigiti stadium in Kiambu county would soon be ready to host sporting activities.

The CS who toured the stadium yesterday afternoon   to check on its progress noted that once completed, the stadium will ease pressure on the Kasarani and Nyayo stadiums

“The stadium is 90 percent complete. I am impressed by the work done. The contractor is just finalizing key areas such as installing seats, setting up the technology infrastructures and completing the playing field and once this is done, the stadium is earmarked to host top football matches and with its proximity to Nairobi, it will reduce the burden of most clubs that seek alternatives far from the capital city,” he said

Aerial view of Kirigiti stadium

Murkomen noted that sports infrastructures are crucial for talent development and in ensuring sustainable livelihood and as a ministry they are dedicated to delivering these facilities to help youth develop their talents and monetize their skills.

Kirigiti Stadium, he further said is an important national monument, being the venue where the founding father, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, addressed his last rally before going to detention. “I will be meeting Sports Kenya to discuss the completion date, review financing, and make the necessary approvals so that the four long years of waiting can end,” the CS said

The goal, he said is to make stadiums self-sustaining by generating revenue, adding that Kirigiti has spaces even for the private sector to join by investing in the sporting facilities. Kiambu Deputy County Commissioner Titus Macharia, Area MP Machua Waithaka and Kiambu County Sports CEC Ali Korar joined the CS during the inspection tour.

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