State unveils National Health Facilities Assessment

Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Susan Nakhumicha (Centre) during the Launch of National Health Facilities Assessment at Afya House, Nairobi

The Ministry of Health has launched the national assessment exercise for health facilities across the country at Afya House in Nairobi.

Health Cabinet Secretary (CS) Susan Nakhumicha revealed that The National Health Facility Census practice is a project that involves both The National and County Governments’ partnership, the private sector, and faith-based organizations.

She also reflected that the government is devoted to the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) as part of its agenda.

            Equally, The CS stated that the government is determined to push through the achievement of UHC where it has drawn its key interest in Community Health Promoters at the community level who will help to strengthen the primary healthcare system.

“In this regard, the government in collaboration with County Governments and other key stakeholders in the health sector has prioritized the provision of primary health care including a focus on community Health Promoters within the community level,” said Nakhumicha.

She added that in an effort to accelerate the attainment of UHC, the government will shift the focus of health sector investment to preventive and promotive health care in the future.

Recognizing the essential responsibilities of the health facilities in the provision of healthcare services to the citizens, the CS stated that the healthcare delivery systems in health facilities rely on factors involving the availability of requisite health infrastructure, availability of competent healthcare professionals, and the availability of safe and effective health products and technology.

While reiterating the importance of the exercise, she explained that “it is only until all health facilities are analyzed that the above factors could be addressed. All these are not able to be addressed appropriately unless we know each facility across the country, their status as well as their needs,”

Furthermore, Nakhumicha clarified that there is need to estimate and categorize hospitals based on their service delivery to ensure quality advancement of services offered.

She affirmed that the assessment of the level of service initiated will provide evidence for policy formulation, planning, and programming within the health ministry.

Remarking on efforts taken by the health sector, she maintained that there is still more to do adding that “Healthy Citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.

Representing The Council of Governors, Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki acknowledged that both governments have a role to ensure that Kenyans have access to Universal Health Care. The Governor also noted that County Governments are ready to work with the ministry amid the commencing of the assessment in all counties for the next two weeks.

While wishing the assessors well, Endebess Member of Parliament Robert Pukose reminded the stakeholders that the two weeks’ computation will be a roadmap to explore potential gaps in the Health sector so they should conduct the survey keenly.

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