Nakuru County, in partnership with AAK-Grow, today convened a community meeting, in the Lengenet location of Visoi Ward, Rongai Sub-County. The gathering aimed to address the increasing issue of pesticide misuse among local farmers.
Furthermore, Mrs. Hannah Odour, a County Entomologist, highlighted the potential harms of improper pesticide disposal on human health and the environment. She noted that, incorrectly handling and disposing of pesticides can lead to contamination of water sources, harming aquatic life and endangering human health.
Moreover, Pesticides can harm wildlife, disrupt delicate ecosystems, and exposure to pesticides can cause health issues like respiratory issues, skin irritation, and neurological disorders. Additionally, she observed that several factors contribute to the challenges of proper disposal such as lack of awareness, adding that many farmers may not be fully aware of the risks associated with pesticide misuse and the importance of safe disposal practices.
Farmers being trained at Rongai Sub- County on pesticide safety and proper disposal methods
On the other hand, Mrs. Odour observed that limited access to disposal facilities, such as hazardous waste collection centers, may be scarce or nonexistent in rural areas. And, due to economic hardships some farmers may opt for cheaper, less regulated pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment and human health.
Meanwhile, the meeting emphasized the importance of responsible pesticide use, including proper storage to prevent accidental spills and poisoning. The villagers were also told the importance of disposing empty pesticide containers instead of using them as drinking cups or for carrying milk to selling centers. Apart from that they were educated on how to identify illegal pesticides to ensure product efficacy and safety.
Lastly, she emphasized the vitality of addressing disposal issues to empower farmers with knowledge and resources, hence, taking significant steps to protect public health and the environment in rural Kenya.