West Pokot women Representative Rael Aleotum has launched the distribution of free sanitary towels to 685 schools. The initiative is set to benefit 44,318 girls in all the five sub-counties in West Pokot.
Speaking during the launch, Aleotum pointed out that the objective is to increase access of teenage girls to sexual and reproductive health products in order to increase their retention in school, transition to higher levels of education and enhance their academic performance
“We aim to support girls from various schools who risk missing classes or dropping out of school due to lack of sanitary towels,” said Aleotum. She said she was able to flag off 354,544 packets of sanitary towels believing that as from tomorrow (today) girls will stay in school and pay attention to their studies
She said the distribution of pads will prevent absenteeism and early pregnancy and therefore put girls at par with their male counterparts. “We know that many girls miss school, some getting pregnant due lack of accessing sanitary towels,” stated Aleotum

West Pokot Women Rep flagging off 354,544 packets of sanitary towels. Photo by Agneta Chebet.
She emphasized on the need of educating a girl child saying women prayed important roles in society. Additionally, she said she was looking for partners and other stakeholders who will help in building dormitories for girls in day schools in order to provide a conducive learning environment.
On his part, Deputy County commissioner Wycliffe Mnanda said that giving sanitary towels to girls helps in giving them good health as menstruation days are accompanied by many challenges. He also said there was need to educate girls to use the sanitary items for the right purpose emphasizing that it should help them during their menstruation days and not for other purposes.
Members of County Assembly (MCAs), County director of Education representative, head teachers and Assistant County Commissioner Ruth wachira were present during the launch