Tourism Regulatory Authority conducts training for hoteliers in Trans Nzoia

Hoteliers drawn from Trans Nzoia County follow proceedings during a two day training organized by Tourism Regulatory Authority in Kitale. Photo by Sheila Kirui/KNA


Tourism Regulatory Authority (TRA) has affirmed commitment to ensure elevation of hospitality standards in the country. This was revealed during a two-day seminar for hoteliers drawn from Trans Nzoia County organised and facilitated by the regulatory body.

Acknowledging the input of TRA which she said is geared towards improving standards and uplifting the tourism sector, Trans Nzoia County Secretary Truphosa Amere said the training would help ensure quality service delivery.

She challenged the hoteliers to take advantage of such training opportunities to raise and maintain standards in the hotel industry pointing out that it is only through such, more profits will be harvested.

Meanwhile, Amere affirmed the commitment of the county government to support the hotel industry through mutual collaborations, pointing out the recently launched county government sponsored NAWIRI Fund as a fertile avenue the hoteliers can use to expand their empires.

“Allow me thank the department for tourism for the innovative approach which has propelled this training to a success. This is only a sign of good things which are to come in future,” she added.

During the training, hoteliers were updated on the new guidelines which TRA has formulated to guide the sector. The Director of Gender, Youth, and Sports Nicholas Nandasaba bemoaned lack of standard hotel facilities in the region which can host high level meetings as he urged investors to seize the opportunity.

“Hotel industry is an area where we have so many investment opportunities in this region. I call upon those who have an interest in the sector to give it a try,” he said.

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