Two Rangers killed in Sibiloi national park


Investigations have commenced into an incident, where two Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) game rangers were shot dead Thursday, within the marine area of Sibiloi national park in Marsabit County. Marsabit acting county commissioner David Saruni also said an intense operation, aimed at apprehending any suspected culprits, behind the heinous act was underway.

 Saruni said the unfortunate incident claimed the lives of an inspector and a corporal, who were reportedly on duty within the marine area of the park. The county commissioner, while warning against the habit attacking law enforcement officers whether on duty or not, assured that no effort will be spared until the culprits are arrested and punished according to the law.

The marine part of Sibiloi national park on the shores of Lake Turkana is an important fish breeding ground and no fishing activities are allowed within it. Reports on the ground point at some aggrieved local fishermen, who had been denied access to the prohibited zone and had their fishing gear impounded by KWS officials, a few days preceding the occurence.

The bodies of the slain officers have since been airlifted to Nairobi.

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