Villagers flee with toxic material 

Public Health and Professional Standards Principal Secretary (PS) Mary Muthoni Muriuki. Photo by Joseph Ng'ang'a

The government has embarked on a man hunt for villagers in Kambembe village in Kiambu, who could have collected highly toxic sodium cyanide chemicals on Saturday night after a truck transporting it to an unknown destination.

The public health and chiefs in Kiambu county have been moving around the village after the truck, which was coming to Nairobi direction overturned, as the chemical spilled on the road, with locals fleeing with jerricans containing the toxic substance.

Health Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni advised the public to avoid the site of the incident and to cooperate with our emergency and disaster response teams as they work to contain the situation.  “The Ministry of Health remains committed to ensuring public safety and managing the risks associated with hazardous substances. Further updates will be provided as more information,” said the PS in a public notice.

Dr Kamami Murichu said the government should establish the source of the substance and its destination. ” The chemical is poisonous as it can wipe out the entire village, thus the need for the introduction of safety measures,” said Murichu.

Toxicity and Poisoning Sodium cyanide is extremely toxic. Ingestion or inhalation of even small amounts can be fatal. Exposure can cause immediate symptoms such as headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, and vomiting.

Severe exposure can lead to loss of consciousness and convulsions within minutes. Prolonged or repeated exposure to lower levels can result in long-term health issues including neurological damage, thyroid dysfunction, and cardiovascular problems.

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