Wamatangi’s Rapid response team intervenes to save lives

Wamatangi handing out blankets and mattresses to flood victims in Thindigua, Kiambu County.


Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi has established a Rapid response team to mitigate the devastating flood damage caused by severe rains in most regions.

The team led by Wamatangi himself and other county dignitaries will be deployed in the sub-counties to coordinate rescue operations, sanitation efforts and provision of essential services to affected residents.

Therefore, the team has so far identified areas prone to flooding to include Gatunyaga, Kamenu and Ngoingwa in Thika, Ruaka, Kahawa Wendani, Mwiki, Mwihoko Juja; Bosnia-Githurai; Manguo-Limuru; parts of Kiambaa which have experienced heavy flooding.

Wamatangi handing out blankets and mattresses to flood victims in Thindigua, Kiambu County.

The main task for the team is to provide assistance to over 100,000 residents affected by flooding in the county. Hence, “We will continue to support the flood victims until the situation improves. Our emergency teams, deployed to all affected areas, are on standby and will continue to monitor the state of affairs,” Wamatangi said.

The team has been traversing Kiambu County providing food and non-food supplies such as blankets, mattresses, to those worst hit. All this while helping them set up in the many evacuation centers put up in the various sub-counties.

The team also seeks to not only provide basic needs to those affected but also improve infrastructure that has hindered proper water flow. Unclogging of blocked drainages and culverts has been one of the ways the team has employed in helping alleviate the flooding crisis.

In Gichiiki, a rescue center has been set up to host residents who had been evacuated from their flooded homes in Gatuanyaga Ward, Thika Sub County. In Kinoo, Regen area, the governor and his team also gave food supplies to those marooned by the heavy rains.

The rapid response team was also involved in evacuating occupants of a residential flat in the Kiamumbi area of Kiambu Sub County, this is after the four-story building showed signs of breakage.

The building had part of its floor and walls cracking and had shown signs of sinking putting the lives of the occupants in danger. The residents were swiftly evacuated to a rescue center within Kiamumbi and provided with basic necessities as the integrity of the building is accessed by the team.

The Governor warned residents to comply with directives for their own safety and well-being. Fanis Kiragu, a grocer in Kinoo whose kibanda was washed away by the rains has the Rapid response team to thank after intervening. She said after her source of livelihood was swept away; she can still feed her family thanks to the food amenities accorded to her.

As heavy rains continue to pound most parts of the Country, Kiambu residents can rest assured of the County’s support.

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