West Pokot County records calm despite anti-government Tuesday protests

A section of the busy Makutano Business Centre in Kapenguria on Tuesday 16, 2024.


Normalcy remained in West Pokot County on Tuesday, though with presence of security teams, as other parts of the country witnessed anti-government protests with residents. There had been reports in the morning that there were some youths planning to demonstrate, prompting the beefing up of security at strategic points such as government offices and the busy Makutano Centre.

Some residents had also volunteered to assist security agencies in stopping any demonstration attempts arguing that the protests were affecting businesses and smooth flow of economic activities.

“The youth calling themselves Gen Z have spoken and their issues heard. Therefore they should stop the protests and give the government time to consider their requests,” said Andrew Losiwa, a bodaboda rider.

Losiwa noted that they had experienced low business during the first demonstration since their customers opted to stay away. He proposed that if the Gen Zs want to go on with their protests, then they should conduct them online instead of storming the streets causing untold suffering and interfering with other people’s freedom of movement.

The rider added that the protests would influence education outcome especially for learners in day schools. Similar sentiments were shared by the business community at Makutano Centre and they commended the government for deploying heavy security throughout the day and night patrols.

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