Youth clash during demonstrations 

Youth demonstrating in Homa Bay Town.


An unconfirmed number of protesters were injured in Homa Bay Town when two groups of youth clashed. The youth confronted each other when one group supported the demonstration while the other opposed it.

The violence broke out when the group that was opposed to the demonstration attempted to disrupt the group that had assembled ready to proceed with the demonstration. In the ensuing clash, several youths suffered injuries and were rushed to the health facilities with various degrees of injuries.

In the fighting, the pro-demonstration group overpowered the anti-demonstration group and repulsed them. A saloon car that was used by the protestors was stoned with all the windowpanes smashed.

The demonstrators criticised their colleagues for attempting to disrupt the demonstration which they termed as their constitutional right. “We had planned to hold a peaceful demonstration, but the other group came to violate our rights by stopping us,” Maurice Osodo, one of the Gen Zs said.

Another protester, Joab Otulo, said they were demonstrating to push for good governance.

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