Youth urged to enroll in large numbers for vocational courses

Trans Nzoia County Director for Vocational Training Eliud Lusweti (standing) speaks to students, parents and instructors of Kapomboi vocational training centre before handing over a power generator to the institution.


Youth in Trans Nzoia County have been challenged to register in large numbers for vocational training owing to the government’s increased capitation.

Speaking at Kapomboi Vocational Training Centre, Trans Nzoia County Director for Vocational Training Eliud Lusweti said such training is a critical component in acquisition of skills and knowledge essential for development and solving of emerging global challenges.

Challenging the public to change the mindset that vocational training is for academic failures, Lusweti decried low number of enrollment across the 28 VCTs across the county even after the government availing bursaries, and other incentives to those who register for courses.

He revealed that the county government had increased capitation for Vocational Training Centres from Sh7m to Sh45m this financial year to support technical training institutions. His sentiments were echoed by Kapomboi Member of County Assembly (MCA) Kefa Were who urged parents and students alike to change attitude towards vocational training.

Noting that there are increased job opportunities for those with technical skills locally and intentionally, Were added that fields like masonry, plumbing, tailoring, carpentry among others are running shortage of personnel.

Trans Nzoia County Deputy Director for Vocational Training Eric Wanyonyi challenged Vocational training institutions to uphold high standards of accountability, emphasising on value for money. He challenged institutions’ Board of Managements to come up with strategic plans to help in the day-to-day operations adding that institutions should also coin revenue making ventures to assist in running of activities.

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